Moana Kotare
Published 1995, Ulverscroft
Georgina Cluney Innes
Seth Oliphant
Eleanor Seaton and Sarah Raeburn, Seth's aunts
Prudence ( Prue ), Seth's mother
Ward Selham, Georgina's ex-boyfriend
Marius Salvatore, Georgina's previous employer from Italy
Children: Andrea, Carl and Guy
Links: The Gold Of Noon / Autumn In April / The Time And The Place
'To the memory of the grandfather I was never lucky enough to know, William Summers of the Isle Of Wight ( right next
to Osborne House ) who was the same age as the future Edward the Seventh.
Also to another Edwardian bride, as in this story, who married William's second son, in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne and brought
her to New Zealand, my mother.'